Tuesday, January 1, 2013

1) List 20 Random Facts About Yourself

Ok, I know these are cheesy but I wanted to blog... every day for a month or something for some reason. And Joel said it would be good if I had a goal! So I am going to blog every day for a month and see how it goes, and I have 30 questions to ask myself! Wish me luck ;)

Well, here are 20 random facts about myself :)

1. I can't walk and drink at the same time. I would not survive as a drunk... If I can't even walk and drink, how would I drive and drink??! I guess that is illegal but still. Joel makes fun of me ALL THE TIME. If we are walking in the mall and he can't find me he knows why...

2. I have four sisters. Majority of you know that probably.. (hopefully..) because I talk about them all the time, and I am so proud of all of them, and proud to call them my sisters. They are all so loving, cuddly, girly, dramatic, and spiritual. I love that we can watch Pride and Prejudice every weekend for months. I LOVE my sisters.

3. I will have half Swedish babies. Kinda weird to think about. It hits me hard once in a while! When I am walking in town sometimes I get excited and then think, "Oh my goodness. I married a SWEDE and moved to SWEDEN." And then I freak myself out and then I am fine for a little while.

4. I bite my lip when I am nervous.

5. I love the smell of my hair. And I am always smelling it. Or I try to secretly smell it sometimes. I even got my sister AJ to start doing it too.. and it use to drive my mom crazy. Hehe.

6. I get really nervous when Joel plays video games. I get reeeeally into it with him. (Ok, I get into everything. Games, movies, etc... I crawl up Joel's arm in almost every movie because it is so intense and I can't stand it) Like, my hands get all sweaty and everything. Then for his birthday I bought him the new Halo 4 game... yep. I am a good wife :)

7. I am obsessed with anything about babies. Growing up while my mom was pregnant, I would pretend too. And I have four younger sisters... ;) Now that I am married that intensity of wanting my own baby has only intensified by like, a million. To tease me Joel even sends/shows me pictures of cute babies. And it kills me.

8. I subconsciously cross my big toe over my second biggest toe all the time.

9. I am a very girly girl. And Joel loves it, hehe :) I love sparkles, high heels, jewelry, scarves, makeup, clothes, etc... Especially anything that sparkles.

10. I am very picky about how I eat. I usually try to think, "Where (in the food) would the best bite be?" And I always save it for last. Always. Like I eat my sandwich crust first and save the middle for last because I hate the crust. With muffins I eat the bottom dry part first, and save the top for last. Ask me about any food, and I usually have a particular way to eat it.

11. I can wiggle my ears.

12. When AJ was born, I had the chicken pox and my parents were nervous about that one. I still have three scars of my face to prove it.

13. I was born with very crooked pinkies. My parents said in the hospital they would just stare at them.

14. I did ballet all growing up until I graduated high school. When I would buy my pointe shoes I had to buy them in two different sizes because my left foot is longer than my right.

15. I am not near as flexible as I use to be, but while standing up I can touch my nose to my knees!

16. As a kid I LOVED spiders. I use to catch them (lizards and snakes as well) and put them in my moms garden, so they could kill all the bad bugs. One year for Christmas I got glow in the dark insects. I LOVED those too ;)

17. I have very dry skin! I rarely get zits, and when I do... they are bad!

18. I think of myself as a lazy person. To be more specific, I can stay at home all day and be content. I can keep myself busy at home. Where as people like Joel, for example, can't sit still for very long and have to be productive. Whereas I can sit in one spot all day and be perfectly fine. We are complete opposites in that way. It is fine most of the time.. except for when we want to cuddle. That has been hard trying to figure it out!! He gets SUPER antsy after 5 minutes, and that just kills me.

19. Joel was born in Salt Lake City, about 30 minutes away from where I grew up. When he was three his family moved back to Sweden. (Ok, this isn't really about me but still cool that my husband, out of all of his brothers, was the one born in the states! In Utah, super close to me! And then he marries me, an American. What are the chances of that??)

20. For my senior trip I went on a church history tour with 50 other kids my age! The night before I left I was frantically packing getting ready for this 19 day trip, when I dropped a frame I had gotten from a friend as a graduation present.... on my ankle. It barely made a scratch, and I didn't think much of it. Little did I know she got this picture from the DI, and lets just say I probably should have cleaned it when I got it. A few days later on the trip, my ankle started swelling up. Everyone kept on saying it must have been the heat, but then it because almost unbearable to walk on. Luckily there was a lady that came with us on the tour who was a nurse, and she said I almost had blood poisoning if I would have waited any longer to get medicine.

There ya go :) 20 random facts!!! Did anyone know all of them? (other than joel of course ;))